I would be max because he super funny and his really silly I am just like him.But i would like to be older so I can do the things that the older kids do like lyal and the other kids.Thanks for reading my blog post Maunel
ponder 5
Kia ora bloggers i would go to clean my self by going to the shallow end and get water in a bucket from the plane and put it on me so i can be clean and i would just hunted once a week so the more i cacth the leadst i have to go out to hunter.what would you do.Manuel
hi i would bring a blanket and car and gun and bullents and food and water whot would you bring if ypu were stuck. Manuel
Hi my name is Manuel from rm 17 i would go to some were very dangers like las vegas and los angles they have big dangers like roller coaster and zip lineing and candy it very bot safe i would go there😂.
Ponder 10-Final Review
Kia ora bloggers as you may know we have bean reading Amorangi and millies trave therw time as hyou may know the book has been very long and deataild but this book is not really for me i listen but its because I have to.Its a very good book if you like history.Have you read this book.Manuel
bees wax
Kia Ora bloggers today we had a few visitor from Auckland Council. He told us that if we put one bit of plastic in the bin every day we could fill Eden park in one week. How much rubbish do we use per year so we may be able to fill Auckland in one year so think in ten years we could fill up may be even Australia that,s why we should not use any more plastic may be one bag every two days that could help the planet even more. thanks you for reading my blog post. Manuel
Ponder 8: My Chimaera!
Kia ora bloggers today i will be sharing with you if i could mix three animals together.I’ve decided to mix wolf,panthers,jaguar and it special power will be fast and strong and super eyes it can see in the dark quit well.Manuel and the name is sheesh.
the best class ever.
Kia ora bloggers on Monday Wednesday and Thursday we did some science.
Experiment 1: We mixed oil, water, dye and a fizz tablet to create a lava lamp.
Experiment 2: What fire needs to live, it first needs oxygen, heat and fuel in order to stay alive.
Experiment 2: We got chemicals and we mixed them in with the fire. One turned green and the other one turned red and the last one was green and blue and we had a blue flame.
What would you do if you could do a science experiment?
I really liked all of them they were just fun.
novel ponder 4
Kia ora bloggers. Today I will be sharing with you what I would do in the 90s and 80s. I would buy lollies and play the arcade and maybe find some things that I can sell for a lot of money. what would you do in the 90s and 80s?.Manuel